Friday, July 23, 2010

Hamburger Buns!

SO I can eat egg yolk and wheat flour but they must be plain and separate. So if I separate the egg VERY WELL it's ok. Gramma got me an egg separator but, I think I need more practice. If I make the dough myself with just wheat flour, yeast and water it's fine too. So I made Lindsay's Hamburger Buns. I tried making them with wheat flour and egg yolks and sadly got sick so I made it with wheat flour and fake egg (BRM flaxseed meal). I also omitted the sesame seed since it's an allergy too and used soy milk. Mmmm! I had a sammich with fake-mayo already! ;-)

Nice and doughy after an hour and a half-ish.

My sweet dough scraper Gramma got me-without it this job is impossible!


This is call speed-rising.

Mmmm and yay Gramma's camera for good shots!